General instructions if you've been scammed

In this article, you will find general instructions and links through which you can get help if you have been scammed.

If you have been scammed, please contact our customer service immediately.

If you have been scammed, it is important to know that help is available and you are not alone in dealing with this issue. There is no need to be ashamed of falling victim to a scam, and by reporting it, you may assist the police in tracking down the scammers. Scammers operate professionally, manipulate their victims skillfully, and constantly develop their methods, as scamming is a profitable activity for criminals.

File a police report and inform your bank

If you have been scammed, immediately inform your bank or credit card issuer and file a police report. Here is a link to the police website where you can find instructions on fraud crimes: Also, report the incident to the service through which the scam occurred.

Cut off contact

It is crucial to ensure that scammers do not receive any more funds – therefore, do not send any more money to them. Save all possible evidence, such as messages with the scammer, payment receipts, and other documents.

Change passwords

Change the passwords and credentials for all your services, including banking and email, especially if there is a possibility that the scammer may have access to them. Tips for creating a strong password can be found here: How to Create a Strong Password?

We recommend enabling two-factor authentication (2FA): What is 2FA and how can I enable it?

Prevent further damage

Check if there are any remote access programs installed on your computer or phone without your knowledge. These programs could allow scammers to access your bank accounts, email, and other sensitive information. Examples of such programs include AnyDesk, but there may be others.

Do not face the issue alone

Below are links and organizations to contact for advice and instructions on the situation. You can also get tips, advice, assistance, and relief from mental pressure from peer support groups. If the financial damage is significant, you can also seek help from financial and debt counseling and Takuusäätiö (Guarantee Foundation).