What do phishing emails look like?

Phishing is a form of cybercrime where malicious actors aim to obtain confidential information from their victims.

Phishing encompasses the theft of any economically exploitable information, such as online banking credentials, credit card numbers, passwords, or personal information. It is important to remember that financial institutions, authorities, or other legitimate entities will never request account information, credentials, or other confidential information via email or phone.

How can you identify a phishing message?

1. Strange sender address

Phishers often use email addresses that resemble legitimate sources but contain small typos or extra characters. Always carefully check the sender's address.

2. Urgent tone

Phishing messages often emphasize urgency or fear. For example, the message might claim that your bank account is locked or that you need to act immediately to avoid consequences. This urgency is designed to make the victim make hasty decisions.

3. Scam links

Links in phishing messages may look genuine but direct you to convincing-looking phishing sites. Hover over the link (do not click!) to see the actual URL. If the address looks suspicious at all, do not click.

4. Grammar and spelling errors

Legitimate messages rarely contain grammar or spelling mistakes. Informal and carelessly written messages can be a sign of phishing. Often, these criminals operate from abroad and use poorly done translations in their messages.

5. Suspicious attachments

Phishing messages may contain malicious attachments that install malware on your device. Be particularly cautious with suspicious file attachments. If you are at all unsure about the sender or the attachment, do not open it.

Phishers often pose as:

  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Online store customer service representatives
  • Social media representatives
  • Cybersecurity company representatives
  • Mobile phone and internet service providers
  • Public administration organizations and authorities (e.g., Tax Office)
  • Courier services and logistics companies
  • Health and insurance services


If you suspect a scam, you can always contact our customer service regarding the situation. We will be happy to provide our opinion on whether it is a scam or a legitimate service/entity. We aim to create a safe environment for investing in cryptocurrencies.